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Health Education

Be Respectful,  Be Responsible and Have Integrity


Responsibilities of the student:

  • Arrive on-time to class!

    • On-time means be in your seat when the bell rings, not walking in the doorway as the bell rings.


  • Bring the appropriate materials to class:

    • Chromebook, Pencil/Pen, Notebook, Health Folder, Agenda and any homework or projects that are assigned.


  • Turn in your assignments on time!


  • Be respectful of other students.

    • Everyone has the right to their own opinion or question!  Take a moment to think about your response and how it might make another student feel.


  • Share thoughts and opinions!

    • Your experience or question may be similar to another student in class.


Classroom Rules:

  • Absolutely no laughing or name calling at or about another student in class.

    • Be respectful and laugh only in a respectful manner.

  • Raise your hand before you speak.

    • It’s hard to hear everyone at once!!

  • Please leave the room the way it was when you came in.

    • Do not leave trash, pencils or pens on the floor or desks.

  • Have fun!!!Let’s learn about Health this semester and enjoy the time together!!!!


Grading Scale:

A=100-90                   B=89-80           C=79-70            D=69-60           U=59-0

Note Weighted Grades - Daily Work 50%, Projects 30% & Assessments/Summatives 20%

You will be graded on the following:

  • Assignments are due at the beginning of your class period, unless instructed otherwise.

    • Make-Up Work: If a student’s absence is excused or if a student is suspended from school, he/she will be permitted to make up all missed work, including homework and tests, for equivalent academic credit.

    • Attendance and Truancy HAHS Policy- ​The student will be permitted the same number of days as he/she was absent to turn in the make-up work. The student is responsible for obtaining assignments from his/her teachers.

      • Students who are unexcused from school will receive:

        • ● 50% of graded score on any daily assignment given on that day.

        • ● 50% of graded score on any papers, projects, or assessments taken or due on the day of the unexcused absence.

    • Late homework: Homework not turned in on the day it is due shall be accepted late, only one day after the due date of the assignment.

      • The student will receive 50% of their graded score for the assignment. If the assignment is turned in two or more days later it will be recorded as a zero in the grade book

      • (Students with 504 Plan Accommodations, Individualized Educational Plans, or special emergency circumstances may vary this policy accordingly, with administrative approval)   

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Health Education!

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