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Understand principles of health promotion and the prevention and treatment of illness and injury.


Why This Goal Is Important: Nutrition, exercise, rest, hygiene and safety are the bases for personal, family and occupational health. From an early age, students can recognize healthy habits and understand why they are important. As students become more sophisticated in their understanding, they learn and can adopt a variety of ways to minimize illness and enhance health. Learners will be able to apply the effects of health-related actions to success in the workplace. Students who develop an effective understanding of basic health promotion can establish the foundation for achieving and maintaining personal health and well-being by making informed wellness decisions now and throughout their lives.


  • A. Explain the basic principles of health promotion, illness prevention and safety including how to access valid information, products, and services.

    • 22.A.4a Compare and contrast communicable, chronic, and degenerative illnesses (e.g., influenza, cancer, arthritis).

    • 22.A.4b Analyze possible outcomes of effective health promotion and illness prevention (e.g., reduction in stress, improved fitness, lessened likelihood of injury and illness).

    • 22.A.4c Demonstrate basic procedures in injury prevention and emergency care that can be used in the home, workplace, and community (e.g., first aid, CPR).

    • 22.A.4d Research and report about a career in health promotion, health care and injury prevention.


  • B. Describe and explain the factors that influence health among individuals, groups, and communities.

    • 22.B.4a Explain social and economic effects of health problems on individuals and society (e.g., cost of health care, reduction in productivity).


  • C. Explain how the environment can affect health.

    • 22.C.4a Analyze how environmental conditions can affect health on a large scale (e.g., acid rain, oil spills, solid waste contamination, nuclear leaks, ozone depletion).


  • D. Describe how to advocate for the health of individuals, families and communities.

    • 22.D.4a Identify health resources to help influence others in making healthy choices.



Understand human body systems and factors that influence growth and development.


Why This Goal Is Important: To achieve healthful individual development, students need to understand human anatomy and physiology, nutrition, stages of growth and development, avoidance of harmful actions, and the characteristics of good health habits. Early learners begin with basic recognition of body systems and growth stages. As students progress, they understand how systems work together and how individual actions affect health. As they themselves grow and develop, students can learn to enhance the process throughout their school years and later life.


  • A. Describe and explain the structure and functions of the human body systems and how they interrelate.

    • 23.A.4a Explain how body system functions can be maintained and improved (e.g., exercise/fitness, nutrition, safety).


  • B. Explain the effects of health-related actions on the body systems.

    • 23.B.4a Explain immediate and longterm effects of health habits on the body systems (e.g., diet/heart disease, exercise/fat reduction, stress management/ emotional health).


  • C. Describe factors that affect growth and development.

    • 23.C.4a Describe changes in physical health and body functions at various stages of the life cycle.


  • D. Describe and explain the structures and functions of the brain and how they are impacted by different types of physical activity and levels of fitness

    • 23. D.4a Explain how brain functions can be maintained and improved through activity.



Promote and enhance health and well-being through the use of effective communication and decision-making skills.


Why This Goal Is Important: From an early age, students need to know how to communicate their health needs and learn to take responsibility for their own health. They also need to know how and why personal decisions can affect their own health and well-being. Consideration for the needs of others becomes part of health promotion as well. Students who can clearly identify and communicate about health-related issues—and can make healthful personal decisions—will benefit as they grow and mature in school and into responsible workers and citizens.


  • A. Demonstrate procedures for communicating in positive ways, resolving differences and preventing conflict.

    • 24.A.4a Describe the effects (e.g., economic losses, threats to personal safety) of conflict and violence upon the health of individuals, families, and communities.

    • 24.A.4b Formulate strategies to prevent conflict and resolve differences.


  • B. Apply decision-making skills related to the protection and promotion of individual, family, and community health.

    • 24.B.4a Explain how decision making affects the achievement of individual health goals.


  • C. Demonstrate skills essential to enhancing health and avoiding dangerous situations.

    • 24.C.4a Formulate a plan to achieve individual health goals.


Illinois Enhance P.E. Task Force




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